Love Is A 4 Letter Word, 11/2008, 16x20, acrylic on canvas.

People say, ''I love my car'', ''I love music'', ''I love cooking'', ''I love perfume'', ''I love candy'', ''I love makeup'', ''I love my dog'', ''I love cigarettes'', ''I love hamburgers'', ''I love beer'', ''I love ice cream'', ''I love sex'', ''I love partying'', ''I love food'', ''I love flying'', ''I love my husband or wife'', etc, ad nauseum. I believe the true meaning of love has been successfully hijacked! The definition, lost to lusts of all sorts and selfishness. Reduced to practically a footnote. No one really talks of unconditional love. How sad is that? How petty we are...

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